Environment and Sustainability Council Committee (ENVS)
ENVS was established by Mayor Eric Johnson as the first-ever environmental committee comprised of Dallas City Councilmembers, with the tasks of: (1) ensuring the Dallas is a global climate leader; and (2) creating and implementing the City’s Comprehensive Environmental & Climate Action Plan.
View the ENVS Committee meeting schedule.
Environmental Commission
The Environmental Commission was created by Ordinance No. 21847 on April 22, 2021. It is composed of 14 voting members of the general public and eight non-voting technical expert members. Each city council member appoints one voting member to the commission. The mayor appoints the commission chair, and the full council appoints the vice-chair. The non-voting technical experts are appointed by the full council from each sector of the CECAP. Two of the general public members must have public health experience. All other general public members must have a minimum of two years of environmental experience or a minimum of two years of neighborhood environmental advocacy.
Leading Environmental Actions Forward (LEAF)
The Office of Environmental Quality & Sustainability (OEQS) established an internal CECAP implementation coordination group with key departments, with roles in implementing various actions and goals within the CECAP. The group was formed to facilitate a collaborative implementation, and coordination with other related ancillary efforts. The LEAF members serve as subject matter experts to aid in the implementation of CECAP action items, facilitate communication between the OEQS-CECAP team and other city departments, and assist in collecting related performance measures from their respective areas of the plan.
Regional Integration of Sustainability Efforts (RISE) Coalition
RISE is a collaboration of North Texas governmental and quasi-governmental organizations working together to reduce harmful emissions, share best practices, lessons learned and resources to support collaboration on regional sustainability and environmental initiatives.
Environment and Sustainability Task Force (EAS-TF)
EAS-TF resulted from City Council Resolution #20- 688 adopting the CECAP, that includes a requirement for “the City Manager identify and convene an Environment and Sustainability Advisory Committee, under guidelines established by the City Manager, comprised of professionals and community members to advise on environment, sustainability, and CECAP implementation.” This interim advisory task force was comprised of 15 community members.