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Glass Buildings

Renewable Energy in Dallas

Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Sectors

There are significant changes taking place in the energy sector including opportunities for implementing small-scale renewable energy systems and associated financing options. Two-thirds of the energy consumed in Dallas is from the commercial, industrial, and institutional sectors.


This page provides information and resources relating to cost savings, demand-side management practices, and other benefits gained from installing on-site renewables and from purchasing a renewable energy contract.

Benefits of Renewables

On-site renewables can save operating costs, reduce energy demand, and increase organizational resiliency. During peak demand, retail electric providers may charge higher electricity rates; on-site renewables can also help defray these costs.


Another benefit of renewable energy generation is generating energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and reduces some types of air pollution. It also diversifies energy supply and reduces dependence on imported fuels.


Likewise, purchasing a renewable energy electricity contract reduces an organization's carbon footprint and supports green energy and jobs.


This page is administered by the City of Dallas- Office of Environmental Quality & Sustainability:

Dallas City Hall
1500 Marilla Street, Room 7A North
Dallas, TX 75201
Phone: (214) 670-1200 | Fax: (214) 670-0134

Dallas Climate Action | City of Dallas © 2024

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